More project thoughts..

The interesting thing for me is what happens between the viewer and the work, the space in between, the boundary between what exists and what is not there. I want to open up more to the idea that there is more than one vision and show the inarticulate. Beyond the forms, structures, systems and categories is the formless. You could say that we people in a way are afraid for dizziness. That is, if the world is not seen or arranged as weare accustomed we become dizzy, the form becomes formless and create disorder. But I think there is a tension in this intermediate state. By showing this intermediate state where the inarticulate and the formless is, so challenged in a way cuts and borders and a movement process around a new way of looking arise. The story and the meaning is not longer about what we see, but instead about the feeling of what we see and how/why we see as we do.

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