Art video prodject

During the course, I've started thinking more and more of the form less of such an intermediate state. It is one thing and not the other but it is the state where the transformation is performed to the transition should become possible. The transitionsare everywhere as a continuous process in our everyday life and an eternalre-creation of form and formlessness. A process in constant motion. This intermediate state I do not think we are so aware of, because people so often do and see in the forms and systems. I would like to capture this intermediate state and thereby prolongand increase the visibility of its existence in the theme of Amnesia. Memory loss, I think is a clear example of my idea of living in a state in between. There personality distinct forms have become blurred to small sequences of clarity, but with more vagueness and formlessness. Who am I if I lose my memory? Would my friends be able to recreate the story of my personality or would it transform me into a new individual based on lies as truths? How would I become aware that (in that case) it had been a tranformation, then I would not be aware of the state in between, but rather strive to create a form of the formless?

1 kommentar:

  1. I like your idea, so exciting to see everything finished :)
