Base materialism

Base Materialism (of which the informe is the must concrete manifestation ) has the job of de-class(ify)ing, which is to say, simultaneously lowering and liberating from all ontological prisons, from any "devoir êntre (role model). It is principally a matter of de-classing matter, of extracting if from the philosophical clutches of classical materialism, which is nothing but idealism in disguise.../ One the contrary the formless matter that base materialism claims for itself resembles nothing, especially not what it should be, refusing to let itself be assimilated to any concept whatever to any abstraction whatever. For base materialism, nature produces only unique monsters: there are no deviants in nature because there is nothing but deviation. Ideas are prisons; the idea of "human nature" is the largest of the prisons: in "each man, an animal" is "ocked up... like a convict."
s. 53 Formless - a user´s guide.

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