"Reality is just an symbolic idea of the real, and when we have symbolic representations - we have a system" The system and the reality is a form, but the idea of it and the real is formless.

My Workshop

Shadow of a Shadow..
shadows is a condition in between. They always change and we can never go back to where it was before. And in the mind, we think in pictures, but we talk often about them in words. In both cases, it is an endless process in which the form goes to the formless and the formless create a new form how later become formless and so over and over again.. form-formless-form-formless...
During my workshop we worked with the memories and shadows. We began by working in pairs, where they told a memory to each other. Then we shifted pairs and they had to work in pairs with a new friend. Their task was now to retell the memory, but only with shadows and using the new friends body language. Memory transforms and change...
During my workshop, we began to think about some questions; Is there a truth? And whose memory is in the end? And do you control the shadow to create something representational? Or do you let the shadow create the shape on it's own?
In the dialogue between the form and the formless..
"The formless-thought and the form-thought create etch other"


Graphic with ink - oil

I also tested to work with oil paint instead and as you can see, there´s a difference


Graphic with ink- water

Graphic printing with water color.
black-white, black-purple-white Mirror effect


The pineal eye, Horizontal gaze, No hierarchically reading, no categorial view of creating systems, the self - other and the mirror effect, physical vertical readability, and no pure vision existing.
"the objects are ready to slide from their positions, to dislodge themselves and roll onto our feet: the line of demarcation between the wall and the ground is reased."
"the impossible caesura between the visible (vertical) and the bodily (horizontal) by another vertical-horizontal opposition, one which eludes the menace (animality) of the carnal entirely."
s. 27 Formless - a users guide.


Graphic with ink -A formelss life of its own

The first print I got was those two withe ones. The printing process was formless in many ways, because it felt like the material had a life of its own. I could not control the outcome and it was exciting at each printing. And fore each pressure point, I got two graphic prints, like a mirror effect. They could be similar to each other or be completely different depending on how I was working with the color. And it also felt like I was working with entropy because the string could never be the same as it was before. It´s like putting black and white sand in each side in a sandbox, once you´ve mixed them together, you cant go back.
"The medium is the massage"

Low material

In the graphic room I found some white thin, thin strings. We can call it low material because you can use it to clean the copper plates and so on.. At first I used it to create structure on the white paper without color, but the result was difficult to see. That´s when I got the idea to color the strings and then print them.

just testing the color..

Base materialism

Base Materialism (of which the informe is the must concrete manifestation ) has the job of de-class(ify)ing, which is to say, simultaneously lowering and liberating from all ontological prisons, from any "devoir êntre (role model). It is principally a matter of de-classing matter, of extracting if from the philosophical clutches of classical materialism, which is nothing but idealism in disguise.../ One the contrary the formless matter that base materialism claims for itself resembles nothing, especially not what it should be, refusing to let itself be assimilated to any concept whatever to any abstraction whatever. For base materialism, nature produces only unique monsters: there are no deviants in nature because there is nothing but deviation. Ideas are prisons; the idea of "human nature" is the largest of the prisons: in "each man, an animal" is "ocked up... like a convict."
s. 53 Formless - a user´s guide.

Graphics without ink - glue

Pulse, pulse, pulse
Here is my pulseline after the printing process and two photos of how I made them by using the low material; wood glue. And it is also interesting how the choice of paper affects the outcome. The lower material is transformed into the higher. Here to the left you
can see the glue
"Everything has its own form even the formless"

Graphics without ink- strings

We started to work with base materials and no color. Just to see and try to simply create structures. I made a puzzle of strings and horizontality thinking. Just a playing game
"Formless are trying destroy the idea of form and material as united. "


Formless keywords

horizontality, base materialism, pulse, and entropy


A Formless Making

I begun to think about Tone-Kristin Bjordams work a saw some time ago, can formless be like here work? In the way of her making and thinking there is many formless thoughts if you ask me. For example in the way of making her work, she explores how the forms ends up and how they never stop reconstructing  themselves. There is no end and no start, just an endless forming process, maybe with meaning maybe  without. I think i like this artwork so much because you never can tell or control how the forming process will be or look like in front of your eyes. All you can do is to stand there and watch how the forms goes from formless to form, and from form back to formless over again. Is it just you who want to make form from something formless or the other way? Do you want to se something in it, or are you trying to se how something become nothing? What do you se in the beginning and what do you se in the end of the formless acting process?

A start...

What about Formless??? What does it mean? What is that? How can something be formless or not? Everything and nothing are formless at the same time...