The coolest people ever!

We have a date

Time for you all to see my work!
At Konstfack from the 27 may 16:00 - 31 may 18:00
(the best is to come 28, 29 then the work will be showed in Mandelgren in large scale)

Linda Bendelin


”Reality is just an symbolic idea of the real, and when we have symbolic representations- we have a system” The system and the reality is a form, but the idea of it and the real is formless. The form and the structure make it possible to talk and communicate. But communication is only possible in the state in between, and this state is the most busy place.

My thought have been to work with the tem Amnesia in a way to extend the state in between and to investigate the way Liminality shapes personality; there normal limits to thoughts, self-understanding and behavior are undone. In such situations the very structure of the society and ourselves temporarily suspended, the forms get formless and we are somewhere in the dialog in between. In the state of Amnesia I have let friends tell me about myself. I think that we humans always create ourselves in the dialog with other people and to let someone else tell you about you is always a translation. In this case my friends have decided by themselves what they wanted to say in the video, truth and lies from there own perspective. In the end the artwork shows one person true another person. And how both of them are helping to create each other through each other, and how all of them integrate like a formless process. There you can´t point out a beginning or an end, and not even exactly what you really see and hear. The interesting for me is also what happens between the viewer and the work, the space in between, the boundary between what exists and what is not there. I want to open up to the idea that there is more than one vision and show the inarticulate. Beyond the forms, structures, systems and categories is the formless. That is if the world is not seen or arrange as we are accustomed we become dizzy, the form becomes formless and create disorder. But I think here is a tension in this intermediate state. By showing this intermediate state where the inarticulate and the formless is, so challenged in a way cuts and borders and a movement process around a new way of looking arise.


Editing Work Emelie:

There is only you I see

When I have sat and listened to a person who talks about another person, I started thinking about which of the persons who made ​​visible the most. The person who sits and talks in front of me or the person who is in the story? Both of them are helping to create each other through each other. Equally funny is it when I started editing the movie clips. It became clear after a while that through the conversation about me, it's just them and their personality I see.

Editing work Evelynn:


If we asked someone else to tell our story about our behavior, personality, manner and so on.. Would we look at ourselves differently after?

To let someone else tell you about yourself is always a translation

To let someone else tell you about yourself is always a translation. First my inner self have to become external to my self. That means that I must put words on my thoughts and feelings and also look at my self from the outside. You can say that I translate my self to be able to talk and explaine about me to someone else. (It is a proces about the form and the formelss!) When I have put my formless thoughts and feelings into a form; words and language, the other person that I talked to also translate what I say into a there own" inner self state". And then the story about me comes out again from the other person in words- the form I first told have been translated again into a new form from the other person. Will the story about me be the same when we translate it over and over? Probably not. In a way we people always develope ourselves and we are in constant motion so we want it to be changed but we also want to put a finger on it so we can put words to actions and behavior. In a way what we both agree with becomes the truth, even if it´s about different views and thoughts, it feels like it's the shape we people always want to find in order to communicate and categorize. We want to sasy; This is you, and in a way we also then say I have made a form of the formless. But what about if we have different ways of being with different people? It can´t be so simple. If I bring together all things different people have to say about me into one hole story, and in a way creating a shapeless/formless mess. Maybe the viewer start to translate the formless stories into a new fixed-form and in one way also create a new individual, maby it the way to understand?


Editing Work Lina:

Liminality are a formless state

Communication is only possible in the state in between, and this formless state is the most busy place.


Liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning "a threshold" is a psychological, neurological, or metaphysical subjective state, conscious or unconscious, of being on the "threshold" of or between two different existential planes, as defined in neurological psychology (a "liminal state") and in the anthropological theories of ritual by such writers as Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner. As developed by van Gennep (and later Turner), the term is used to “refer to in-between situations and conditions that are characterized by the dislocation of established structures, the reversal of hierarchies, and uncertainty regarding the continuity of tradition and future outcomes”. Although initially developed as a means to analyze the middle stage in ritual passages, it is “now considered by some to be a master concept in the social and political sciences writ large". In this sense, it is very useful when studying “events or situations that involve the dissolution of order, but which are also formative of institutions and structures.”
Liminality “...served not only to identify the importance of in-between periods, but also to understand the human reactions to liminal experiences: the way liminality shaped personality, the sudden foregrounding of agency, and the sometimes dramatic tying together of thought and experience”.
'The attributes of liminality or of liminal personae ("threshold people") are necessarily ambiguous'. One's sense of identity dissolves to some extent, bringing about disorientation, but also the possibility of new perspectives. Turner posits that, if liminality is regarded as a time and place of withdrawal from normal modes of social action, it potentially can be seen as a period of scrutiny for central values and axioms of the culture where it occurs. - one where normal limits to thought, self-understanding, and behavior are undone. In such situations, “the very structure of society [is] temporarily suspended”
from wikipedia


still editing.. Stina:

To you all!

I may sit alone and work but for that reason I am not alone ..You are all here:) I enjoy every second of your fine efforts! Awesome well done!!! Love you all because you just turn up and do this, and when you also think it's fun warms me a lot, more than you can imagine.

Editing Work Johannes:

Editing Work Marika:

Editing work Matilda:


If I work in double speed on two computers at once and I'm twice as effective, then I think the reward should be great .. don´t you think?

Editing Work Hanna:


A taste of how my idea with two faces will look like

Here is one of the persons who will participate in the film. Clips and fix will be made ​​with both the sound and images, you can see that there is one sound missing here.. By you can see the idea of it :) Emma:


Film as living photograph ..

I am looking for digital photo frames, does anyone have any I can borrow for our final exam!?? or know someone who has one? help!

More project thoughts..

The interesting thing for me is what happens between the viewer and the work, the space in between, the boundary between what exists and what is not there. I want to open up more to the idea that there is more than one vision and show the inarticulate. Beyond the forms, structures, systems and categories is the formless. You could say that we people in a way are afraid for dizziness. That is, if the world is not seen or arranged as weare accustomed we become dizzy, the form becomes formless and create disorder. But I think there is a tension in this intermediate state. By showing this intermediate state where the inarticulate and the formless is, so challenged in a way cuts and borders and a movement process around a new way of looking arise. The story and the meaning is not longer about what we see, but instead about the feeling of what we see and how/why we see as we do.